Run Sql Online by Uploading Excel File Data

This article explores an SSIS package for importing multiple Excel files data into SQL Server tables.


Recently I come across a state of affairs in which 3rd-political party vendors ship multiple Excel files to load data into SQL Server tables. We tin can use SSMS Import and Export Wizards for data import. You can read more than about this in How to import/export data to SQL Server using the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard.

Import Data SSMS

Suppose you received multiple Excel files (let'south say 50) for data import. You need to launch an import wizard 50 times and complete it. It is a manual, ho-hum, and fourth dimension-consuming task.

Every bit I started earlier in my manufactures, SSIS is a true friend for DBA and developers. It comes for rescue in such situations. Let's explore the SSIS solution in this commodity.

Sample information

For this article, I want data import from the following Excel files:

Sample data

Each Excel file contains one row, and source cavalcade shows the excel file name:

View excel file data


  • SQL Server Data Tools or Visual Studio 2019
  • SQL Server instance

Create an SSIS package for the data import from multiple Excel files

First, nosotros will create an SSIS packet for importing a single Excel file data into the SQL Server table. After, nosotros will catechumen the same package and import multiple Excel files information using SSIS variables and parameters.

Create a SQL table for information import

We require a SQL table that will have data from SSIS import functioning. Execute the following script for creating a SQL tabular array for data import:

Add a Source excel file connection

Open Visual Studio and create a new SSIS bundle projection. In Control Flow, right-click and go to New Connexion:

New connection SSIS

It shows all available connexion types. Click on EXCEL connection manager and add it:

Connection Manager types

In Excel Connection Manager, provide the path of Excel file, and it automatically selects the Microsoft Excel versions. The kickoff row of the Excel sheet contains the column header; therefore, we take a cheque on the Outset row has column names option:

Excel connection Manager

Click OK, and it shows the Excel connectedness in the connections manager area:

excel connection in the connections manager

Add a destination OLE DB connexion

Now, add a destination OLE DB connection manager. Click on add new connection and select an OLE DB connection:

Add a destination OLE DB connection

Add SQL Server instance name, hallmark (windows\SQL) in the OLE DB connection managing director:

Add SQL Server instance name, authentication (windows\SQL) in the OLE DB connection

We take both source and destination connections in the connection managing director window. We will use these connections in the information menstruation and command flow tasks of the SSIS package:

Connection Manager

Add a data catamenia task for information import from Excel to SQL table

Add together a Data Flow Job in the Control Flow. This information flow task will flow data from the Excel files into SQL Server tables:

Add a data flow task for data import

Rename Data Flow Task to Information import from multiple excels files. It is an optional footstep. Even so, it is a better approach to renaming the tasks. Nosotros can easily recognize the chore desired behavior using the custom names:

Rename data flow task

Double-click on this data menstruation task, and information technology takes you to the Information Flow tab. Elevate an Excel Source to the data flow. A cherry cross icon shows that configuration is required for this SSIS task:

add an excel source

Double-click on this excel source and in Excel Source Editor, select the Excel canvass that contains data. We should have data on similar sheets of all Excel files:

Select the sheet that contains data

Click on Preview, and we can get a glimpse of the Excel sheet information:

Preview data

In the left-paw menu, click on Columns and verify the Excel canvass columns. If nosotros want excluding whatsoever column from data import, we can remove the checkmark from the item column:

Validate Mappings

Click on OK, and it shows the successful connection of an Excel Source:

Succeessful excel connection

Now, drag an OLE DB Destination and connect it with the Excel Source using blue precedence constraint:

drag an OLE DB destination

Double-click on OLE DB Destination and information technology opens the OLE DB Destination Editor. Specify the OLE DB connection and SQL table that we created before:

Select the name of the table

Nosotros need to verify the source and destination mapping. Click on Mappings and verify it:

Validate mappings

Click OK, and information technology verifies the conversion mistake betwixt Unicode and non-Unicode string information types:

Unicode and Non-Unicode mapping error

To resolve this, we need a Data Conversion task from the SSIS toolbox. Drag information technology from SSIS toolbox and connect it with the Excel Source:

Add a Data conversion task

Double-click on Data Conversion. It opens the Data Conversion Transformation Editor. Select the Input Column (Source) and change the data type as Unicode_string[D_WSTR]. We too alter the EmpName data type as String[DT_STR]:

Select the columns and change their properties

In the above screenshot, we also changed the output column alias. Click OK and add precedence constraint from data conversion chore to OLE DB Destination:

Error in OLE DB destination

We can still run into a red cross on the OLE DB Destination task. It requires a configuration with the new columns that we derived from the data conversion.

Open the OLE DB Destination Editor again and navigate to Mappings. In the Mapping, alter the input columns, as shown below:

Validate mapping with new columns

Click OK. We can see that all configuration of the SSIS package is successful:

Connect data conversion with destination task

Execute the package, and it shows successful data import from a single Excel file:

Execute the package

Now, execute the following TRUNCATE TABLE statement to configure SSIS bundle data import from multiple Excel sheets:

Disable SSIS project debugging

Right-click on the SSIS projection and become to properties. In the debugging menu, disable the Run64BitRunTime option:

Disable SSIS project debugging

Click Utilise and OK to save changes.

Add variables in SSIS bundle

Nosotros will employ SQL variables for defining multiple Excel sheets in a for each loop. Correct-click in data flow and add variables.

  • Directory: Information technology holds the path of all Excel files
  • ExcelPath: It holds the path of an Excel file along with file name

Add variables in SSIS package

Under the Connection Manager, click on the Excel Connection Director and view its backdrop. Click on Expressions, as shown below:

Excel connection expression

In the Expression Builder, expand the Variables and Parameters binder. Drag the variable [User:: ExcelPath] to the expression and evaluate the expression. Information technology should testify the variable value we defined earlier:

Expression builder

Click OK, and yous can see the variable in the Property Expressions Editor:

property expression editor

Click OK, and information technology shows a symbol "fx" in the Excel Connection Director:

excel connection manager

Configure a Foreach Loop Container for data import from multiple Excel files

At present, get back to Control Flow and elevate a Foreach Loop Container. We apply this container for starting a loop for the number of executions specified. You can read more than about For Each loop in the Using SSIS ForEach Loop containers to procedure files in Date Club and SSIS Foreach Loop vs For Loop Container:

Configure a Foreach Loop Container

Elevate the Information import from multiple excel files task into the Foreach Loop Container:

Drag the Data import from multiple excel files task into the foreach loop container

Double-click on Foreach Loop Container, and it opens the following loop editor. Brand the following changes:

  1. In the Expression, click on eclipse and specify the variable User:: Directory. You can also evaluate an expression, and it should prove the value of the variable, as shown below:

    Specify expression for SSIS variable

  2. Under the Folder, specify the path of the folder. We want data import from all files in this folder, so we have specified *.* in the files section:

    Specify file path and name

Now, click on Variable Mappings and map the User:: ExcelPath variable as shown beneath. It automatically takes index value nothing:

Variable mapping

Click OK, and information technology completes the configuration of SSIS bundle for importing multiple files:

Complete package configuration

Before executing the parcel, allow'southward verify that our SQL table does non have whatsoever data:

No data in SQL table

Execute the SSIS bundle using the Start push:

Execute the SSIS package

SSIS Package is successful now. You can see a light-green tick icon on the Foreach Loop Container and data import task:

Successful package

Allow's verify data in the SQL table. In the following screenshot, using the source table, we can verify that we have information from all Excel files. We have data from EmployeeData-1 to EmployeeData-x:

Data Validation

Nosotros should have a similar column structure in an Excel file for data import. You tin configure additional tasks for error handling or capture bad data. Accept reference of An overview of Error Treatment in SSIS packages for it.


This article explores the process of importing multiple Excel files into SQL Server table. It saves manual efforts and expedites the data import process with N number of files. You tin schedule a SQL agent job for SSIS packet execution for frequent tasks.

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Rajendra Gupta


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